April 5, 2015


I want to like get into photography. Like taking pics of my daily life. I don't have a high quality camera but I do have my cell phone camera which is pretty nice. I was thinking of taking pics throughout the week and posting them collectively at the end of the week. 

Photography and art are beautiful ways to capture memories and to express yourself. I just feel like this would be a good way to share my world with you guys and it may also be fun. 

My friend is a photographer and an artist and she is just amazing tbh. Like her work makes you feel a certain way and I just want to do that. I would love for you guys to share some of your work with me, You can leave links below if you want :)

Also I need new pictures to post on my inspiration board so if you guys could help with that, that would be AH-MAZ-ING!!!

I love you guys.


  1. Photography is really cool, start small and then slowly find out about the tweaks here and there and you will definitely improve. I love taking photos as well, I'm using the Nikon digital cam as well as my iPhone and the quality of the pictures as you can see on my recent blog posts are really good. Hopefully i could follow you on your instagram, i look forward to see more of your postings. My instagram acc is @destinygoh

    love, destiny

    1. I followed you on instagrm!! Thanks for the feedback as well!

  2. Photography is a great thing to get into. I'd love to see pictures you take, I'm sure they'd be great!

    1. The pictures i take will be on my instagram: xokxt (ill follow you back)
      and thank you!!

  3. I love photography. Many of the pictures I take are kind of artsy but I love taking photos of everything.
    Take as many pictures as you want. Do you! You'll be shocked with what you find.



thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my post(s)! leave a cute comment and i will surely get back to you ♡

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